Would you like to screen 'That's the story' at your institution?
The full version of the documentary 'That's the story' is available HERE
If you are an institution or company interested in organizing a colloquium or screening, please contact us to keep updated our records at info@benasque.org
Production: info@benasque.org
Director: María T. Soto-Sanfiel, Óscar Cusó
Executive producer: José Ignacio Latorre
Short pitch
Nobel laureate Prof. Roy J. Glauber is the last living scientist from the Theory Division of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. His clear, fluent and articulate narration brings first hand information on the life at Los Alamos, the main scientific characters there, the Trinity test of the first ever nuclear weapon, the bombing of Japan and the political aftermath of the project. Glauber's account is documented with audiovisual material recently declassified from the Los Alamos Archive.
In October 1941, President Roosevelt approved a crash program -known
as the Manhattan project- to develop an atomic bomb. Nobel laureate
Roy J. Glauber was only 18 when he joined the project. He is the last
living person from the Theory Division at Los Alamos and the last
person to tell first hand his insight of how the bomb was constructed.
Glauber's perfect narration covers the daily life at Los Alamos, the
relation among the famous scientists (Oppenheimer, Teller, Fermi,
Bethe, Feynman,...) that worked in the project and the feelings that
came to them on the day of the Trinity first test. He further goes
into the political aftermath, including the hearings against
Oppenheimer. Glauber's account is only punctuated by original videos
recently declassified at the Los Alamos Archive. The documentary
'That's the story' brings, in some sense, the last true voice telling
the story of how the first atomic bomb was made.
CCBPP, Benasque, Spain
Higgs Center, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
IFAE, Bacelona, Spain
CP3-Origins, Odense, Denmark
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
UB, Barcelona, Spain
Canal 33, Regional TV channel from Catalonia, Spain
University of Oxford, UK
Stanford University, USA
TV2, Spain
Max Planck at Erlangen, Germany
ICFO, Spain
Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
IFT, Madrid, Spain
Innsbruck, Austria
Associaciò Astronòmica de Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain
Universitá di Trento, Italy
Konversatorium, Krakow, Poland
University of Warsaw, Poland
Instytut Fizyki Warsaw, Poland
Universidad de Granada, Spain
KCIK, Sopot, Poland
It was presented at the Berlinale and Cannes by Moonrise Pictures
NUS Singapore, Singapore
INFN, Torino, Italy
U. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
DIPC, Donosti - San Sebastian, Spain
Università di Pavia, Italy
Università di Milano, Italy
IST Lisbon, Portugal
UVA Amsterdam, Holland
Obrechtkerk church, Holland
NUS, Singapore
2023- ADunicamp, Brazil
2023 - IMECC-Unicamp, Brazil
2023 - IMECC-Unicamp, Brazil
2023 - University of Sharjah, UAE
2024 - Facultad de CC. Físicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Screenings for students
Universitat Autónoma Barcelona
Institut Vil.la Romana, La Garriga
Film Festivals
It was presented at the Berlinale by Moonrise Pictures
Granada: Presentación y proyección del documental 'That's the story'
Eventos España, 15-04-2016
Film 'That's the Story'
Wyborcza.pl, 09-04-2016
Showing of the documentary, 'That's the story'
University of Warsaw, 11-03-2016
Presentación documental 'That's the story'- Martes 15 de diciembre
Universidad de Zaragoza, 11-12-2015
Vespre a la 2 - 'That's the story'
RTVE 2, 27-04-2015
La última voz del proyecto que desarrolló la bomba atómica
El País, 12-03-2015
That's the story, el documental producido por el centro Pedro Pascual de Benasque
Radio Huesca, 11-03-2015
Radio interview a María T. Soto-Sanfiel
Union Radio (Venezuela), 10-03-2015
'That's the story', la historia de la bomba atómica producida por el Centro de Ciencias de Benasque
Radio Huesca, 10-03-2015
Para los científicos que la crearon, la bomba atómica salvó a miles de jóvenes
La Vanguardia, 05-03-2015
El último científico vivo del proyecto Manhattan nos enseñó a no juzgar
Vidactiva.com, 02-03-2015
El último científico vivo del proyecto Manhattan nos enseñó a no juzgar
Agencia Sinc, 28-02-2015
L'últim científic que va fabricar la bomba atómica
Diari Ara, 26-02-2015
Trailer del documental 'That's the stroy'
Diari Ara, 26-02-2015
A los científicos los apartaron de las decisiones políticas
Cadena Ser, 23-02-2015
El superviviente del grupo que creó la bomba atómica evita la reflexión ética
La Vanguardia, 23-02-2015
El superviviente del grupo que creó la bomba atómica evita la reflexión ética
El Economista, 23-02-2015
El superviviente del grupo que creó la bomba atómica evita la reflexión ética
El Confidencial, 23-02-2015
Es presenta a la UB 'That's the story', el documental sobre l'últim supervivent del projecte Manhattan
UB, 20-02-2015
'That's the story', the documentary about the last survivor of the Manhattan project
Alphagalileo.com, 20-02-2015
La professora de la UAB María Teresa Soto dirigeix el documental 'That's the Story'. PROJECCIÓ a la UB
Locampusdiari, 18-02-2015
M.T. Soto Sanfiel dirige un documental sobre el último superviviente del proyecto Manhattan
UAB, 12-02-2015
M.T. Soto Sanfiel directs a documentary on the last survivor of the Manhattan Project
UAB, 12-02-2015
El proyecto Manhattan desde Roy. J. Glauber
Catalunya Vanguardista, 12-02-2015
M.T. Soto Sanfiel dirige un documental sobre el último superviviente del proyecto Manhattan
UAB, 12-02-2015
M.T. Soto Sanfiel dirigeix un documental sobre l'últim supervivient del projecte Manhattan
UAB, 12-02-2015
"That's the story": Prof. Roy Glauber remembers the making of the atomic bomb
Niels Bohr Institute, 14-01-2015
El último creador de la bomba atómica desvela su historia en un documental
Economía Digital, 23-12-2014
El último creador de la bomba atómica desvela su historia a una profesora de la UAB vía
Microsiervos, 23-12-2014
El último genio de la bomba atómica le cuenta su cruda historia a una venezolana
Konzapata, 22-12-2014
COLLOQUIUM: That's the story: Prof. Roy Glauber remembers the making of the atomic bomb
IFAE, 15-12-2014
"That's the story": an interview with Roy Glauber
Edinburgh U., 28-10-2014