Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice
2007, February 25 - March 2
V. Azcoiti (U. Zaragoza), G. Di Carlo (LNGS; INFN), D. Espriu (U.Barcelona), A. González-Arroyo (UAM), P. Hernández(U. València)
Third Cajal Winter Conference - Mental illness: from genes to treatment
2007, March 19 - March 23
Sociedad Española de Neurociencia, F. Artigas (CSIC-IDIBAPS)
Quantum Information
2007, June 10 - June 29
I.Cirac (MPI, Garching), A. Ekert (U. Cambridge/NUS Singapore)
2007, July 1 - July 13
D. Z. Freedman (MIT), J. Gomis (Perimeter I.), D. Lust (MPI, Munich)
P-adic Analysis, Periods and Physics
2007, July 8 - July 20
P. Candelas (U. Oxford), X. de la Ossa (U. Oxford), F. Rodríguez Villegas (U. Texas Austin)
Fronteras de los nuevos materiales: investigación e industria
2007, July 8 - July 13
C. Mijangos (CSIC)
Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
2007, August 26 - September 7
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa) and E. Zuazua (U. Autónoma Madrid)