Previous Sessions
- Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice
2007, February 25 - March 2
V.Azcoiti (U. Zaragoza), G. Di Carlo (LNGS; INFN), D. Espriu (U.Barcelona), A. González-Arroyo (UAM), P. Hernández(U. València)
- Third Cajal Winter Conference
2007, March 19 - March 23
Mental illness: from genes to treatment Scientific organizers: Sociedad Española de Neurociencia, F. Artigas (CSIC-IDIBAPS)
- Quantum Information
2007, June 10 - June 29
I.Cirac (MPI, Garching), A. Ekert (U. Cambridge/NUS Singapore)
- Strings 007
2007, July 1 - July 13
D. Z. Freedman (MIT), J. Gomis (Perimeter I.), D. Lust (MPI, Munich)
- P-adic Analysis, Periods and Physics
2007, July 8 - July 20
P. Candelas (U. Oxford), X. de la Ossa (U. Oxford), F. Rodríguez Villegas (U. Texas Austin)
- Fronteras de los nuevos materiales: investigación e industria
2007, July 8 - July 13
C. Mijangos (CSIC)
- Partial differential equations, optimal design and numerics
2007, August 26 - September 7
G. Buttazzo (U. Pisa) and E. Zuazua (U. Autónoma Madrid)
- Cerebral cortex from development to cognition
2006, March 19 - March 23
Sociedad Española de Neurociencia, F. Artigas
- Summer School on Scalable Quantum Information Processing and Computing
2006, June 11 - June 24
P. Grangier (CNRS), M. Lewenstein (ICFO), G. Morigi (UAB)
- Workshop on Quantum - Classical Transition and Quantum Information
2006, June 18 - June 30
M. Lewenstein (ICFO), J. P. Paz (Los Alamos /U. Buenos Aires), W. Zurek (Los Alamos), D. Dalvit (Los Alamos)
- QCD and String Theory
2006, July 2 - July 14
J. Barbón (IFT UAM-CSIC), A. Kovner (U. Connecticut) and M. Shifman (U. Minnesota)
- Fronteras de la Química
2006, July 9 - July 14
A. Fernández Mayoralas (CSIC), P. Pascual (U. Barcelona)
- Computational approaches to functional and regulatory RNAs
2006, July 16 - July 28
E. Rivas (Washington U., St Louis, USA) and E. Westhof (U. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, FRANCE)
- Modern Cosmology: Inflation, CMB and LSS
2006, July 30 - August 18
E. Gaztañaga (CSIC), J. Lesgourgues (U. Annecy), U. Seljak (ICTP, Trieste), D. Wands (U. Portsmouth) and J. García-Bellido (U. Autónoma Madrid)
- Time-dependent density functional theory: prospects and applications. Second Nanoquanta-Psi-k school and workshop
2006, August 27, September 11 E. K. U. Gross (Frei U. Berlin), M. A. L. Marqués, F. Nogueira (U. Coimbra), A. Rubio (CSIC-UPV/EHU, Donostia International Physics Center)
- XXXIII International Meeting on Fundamental Physics
2005, March 6 - March 11
D. Espriu (UB), E. Fernández (IFAE), R. Graciani (UB), E. Grauges (UB), M. Martínez (IFAE)
- Neural Growth, Differentiation and Survival: Therapeutic Perspectives in Neurological Diseases
2005, March 13 - March 17
Sociedad Española de NeuroCiencia, F. Artigas
- Quantum Information
2005, June 12 - July 1
I. Cirac (MPI, Munich), A. Ekert (Cambridge)
- Quantum information and decoherence in condensed matter
2005, June 26 - July 15
F. Guinea (ICMM, CSIC, Madrid), F. Sols (U. Complutense Madrid)
- Fronteras de la Biología Molecular
2005, July 10 - July 15
J. Moscat (Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC)
- String Theory
2005, July 17 - July 29
D. Z. Freedman (MIT), G. Gibbons (Cambridge), A. Strominger (Harvard)
- Biological Membranes: Current Challenges
2005, July 31 - August 19
F. MacKintosh (Vrije U.), A. Travesset (Iowa State U.)
- Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics
2005, August 28 - September 9
G. Buttazzo (Pisa) and E. Zuazua (U. Autónoma Madrid)
- IV Taller de Altas Energías
2005, September 11 - September 24
E. Massó (IFAE-UAB), S. Peris (IFAE-UAB), F. Sánchez (IFAE-UAB) y J. Cortina (IFAE-UAB)
- Terrestrial and Cosmic Neutrinos, leptogenesis and Cosmology
2004, July 4 - July 23
J. Bernabeu (U. València), D. L. Wark (Sussex U.)
- Las Fronteras de la Física2004, July 11 - July 16 Semana de divulgación avanzada para estudiantes de Física de toda España
- Percepción social de la Ciencia2004, July 16 - July 18 Con la participación de los medios de comunicación e instituciones dedicadas a la divulgación
- Matching light quarks to hadrons2004, July 25 - August 13 M. Golterman (S. Francisco State U.), S. Peris (U. Autònoma Barcelona)
- Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications2004, August 28 - September 11 A. Rubio (U. País Vasco), E.K.U. Gross (Freie U. Berlin), M. A. L. Marques (Freie U. Berlin), F. Nogueira (U. Coimbra)
- Interplay of Magnetism and Structure in Functional Materials coordinators: A. Planes, Ll. Mañosa, A. Saxena
- Quantum Information coordinators: I. Cirac and A. Ekert
participants, talks
- String theory
coordinators: D. Z. Freedman and A. Strominger
participants, talks
- Regulatory and functional RNAs
coordinators: E. Rivas and E. Westhof
participants, talks
- From Pattern Formation to Granular Physics and Soft Condensed Matter
coordinators: I. Aronson, L. Kramer participants, talks
- Pushing the limits of QCD
coordinators: M. Savage and H. Hammer
participants, talks
- Physics of Ultracold Dilute Atomic Gases
coordinators: A. Legget and F. Sols
participants, talks
- Physics in the Pyrenees: Strings, Branes and Field Theory
coordinators: I. Klebanov and D. Z. Freedman
- Renormalization
coordinators: J. I. Latorre and T. Morris
participants, talks
- Quantum Information Processing: Theory and Experiment
coordinators: I. Cirac and A. Ekert
- Advanced Quantum Chromodynamics
coordinators: S. Peris and V. Vento
- Fermions, Disorder and Extended Objects on the Lattice
coordinators: V. Azcoiti, D. Espriu, V. Giménez and P. Hernández
- Quantum Gases and Quantum Liquids
coordinators: M. Lewestein and Y. Castin
participants, talks
- Progress in Quantum Computing, Cryptography and Communication
coordinator: A. Ekert
participants, talks
- Progress in Quantum Optics and Atomic Physics
coordinator: I. Cirac
participants, talks
- Quantum Chromodynamics and Effective Lagrangians
coordinator: E. de Rafael
participants, talks
- Recent Developments in Quantum Field Theory
coordinator: L. Álvarez-Gaumé
participants, talks