2009, Jul 25 -- Aug 08
F. Guinea (ICMM-CSIC)
M. I. Katsnelson (Radboud U. Nijmegen)
M. A. H. Vozmediano (ICMM-CSIC)
Spectroscopy of electrons and phonons in graphene structures | |
A.Pinczuk | |
Magneto-optics of electronic excitations in graphene (infrared absorption and Raman) | |
V. Falko | |
Graphene Photonics: from photoluminescence to ultrafast lasers | |
A.Ferrari | |
Strained graphene: tight-binding and ab-initio studies | |
N.M.R.Peres | |
Tutorial: NLsM. | |
A. Mirlin | |
Discussion: "Strains in graphene" | |
Quantum Transport in a 2D membranev | |
J.Lau | |
The twisted bilayer: an experimental and theoretical review | |
J. Lopes Dos Santos | |
Ribbons, rings and rough cavities: Mesoscopic effects in transport through graphene structures | |
K.Richter | |
Bound states and Landau levels at a graphite stacking fault. | |
D.Arovas |
Observation of Fractional Quantum Hall effect in suspended graphene | |
E.Andrei | |
Interaction and disorder effects in single and double layer graphene | |
O.Vafek | |
Mott phases and phase transitions in graphene | |
I.Herbut | |
Massive Dirac fermions in single-layer graphene | |
D.Khveshchenko | |
Panel section: Gauge fields, ripples. | |
Moderator: M. Vozmediano | |
Discussions. | |
Periodically rippled graphene: An electronically and structurally nanostructured material | |
A.Vazquez de Parga | |
Manipulating Dirac physics with mesoscopics in graphene | |
H.Fertig | |
Effect of the electron-phonon interaction on spectroscopies of graphene | |
S.Sharapov | |
Ballistic transport in disordered graphene | |
P.Ostrovski | |
Tutorial: Topological issues. | |
D. Haldane | |
Panel Section: Interactions. | |
Electric potential roughness in the thin SiO2 that sustain graphene layers | |
N.Garcia | |
2x2x2: bistable states in a bilayer graphene controlled by two gates | |
M.Fogler | |
Electron‐electron interaction effects on the optical conductivity of doped graphene | |
M. Polini | |
ABC of graphene trilayers | |
E. MacCann | |
Junior contributions | |
Graphene update | |
A.Geim | |
Propagating, evanescent, and localized states in carbon nanotube-graphene junctions | |
J. Gonzalez | |
Transition from metallic to insulating behaviour in graphene | |
K.Ziegler | |
Dirac fermions in epitaxial and exfoliated graphene. | |
A. Lanzara | |
Tutorial: Density Functional | |
A. Lichtenstein |
Anisotropic Etching and Crystallographic Nanoribbon Formation in Single-Layer Graphene | |
P.Jarillo | |
Transport in Graphene Quantum Dots | |
C.Stampfer | |
Magneto-spectroscopy of multilayer epitaxial graphene, of graphite and of graphene. | |
M. Potemski | |
Adsorbate-limited conductivity of graphene | |
H.Schomerus | |
Panel section: Transport. | |
Moderator: A. Geim | |
Shot noise in graphene and the Coulomb | |
B. Horovitz |
Quantum interference effects in graphene | |
A.Savchenko | |
Four routes to chemical functionalization of graphene | |
D.Boukhvalov | |
Adsorbates on graphene: Interaction mechanisms and impurity states | |
T.Wehling | |
Short presentations | |
Stoner ferromagnetic phase of a graphene in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field | |
R. Asgari | |
Scanning probe exploration of exfoliated graphene on SiO2 and epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) in magnetic field | |
N. Agrait | |
Panel Section: Chemistry, structure. | |
Moderator: M. Katsnelson |
Quantum Hall Effect and Electron-Electron Interactions in Graphene | |
P.Kim | |
Electrostatic confinement of Dirac particles in graphene | |
L.Vandersypen | |
TBA | |
L.Levitov | |
Electronic Transport in Disordered Graphene Sheets and Nanoribbons | |
C.Lewenkopf | |
Discussion on the validity of the self-consistent Born approximation and sigma model approaches. | |
Panel section: QHE | |
P. Kim |
Infrared spectroscopy of single and bi-layer graphene | |
D.Basov | |
The intrinsic carrier density of Graphite, a two-dimensional gapless semiconductor. | |
P.Esquinazi | |
Spin transport in graphene | |
C.Jozsa | |
Closing remarks. | |
Poster session. |