Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

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What is Quantum Field Theory?

2011, Sep 14 -- Sep 18

M. Aguado (MPI, Garching), F. Falceto, G. Luz�n (U. Zaragoza), D. Garc�a-Alvarez (U. C. Louvain), J.L. L�pez (U. P. Navarra), J.M. Mu�oz-Casta�eda (U. Leipzig)

The conference is intended to gather experts in Quantum Field Theory and related matters, in order to allow their interaction and fruitful discussions.

The history of Quantum Field Theory is long and brilliant: it has produced the most precise predictions in the human knowledge of nature and its difficulty has required the effort and creativity of first class physicists and mathematicians. Despite its success, this history is far from being finished and many crucial questions on QFT have no definitive answer yet.

The somehow provocative tittle stands to stimulate informal talks on fundamental, challenging (or controversial) aspects of Quantum Field Theory, that could shorten the path to find those answers.

The talks are scheduled to start on Sep. 15th in the morning and finish in Sep. 17th around noon.

The conference is dedicated to Manolo Asorey on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Advisory committee

A. Balachandran (Syracuse Univ., NY)
J. I. Cirac (Max Plank Inst., Garching)
J. L. Cortés (Univ. Zaragoza)
E. V. Gorbar (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev)
J. I. Latorre (Univ. Barcelona)
G. Marmo (INFN-Univ. Napoli)
V. I. Man'ko (Lebedev Phys. Inst., Moscow)
P. Mitter (Umiv. Montpellier)
E. Seiler (Max Planck Inst., Munchen)



Further Information.

This session has received financial support from the following institutions:

  • logo CSIC
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • Ministerio de educación y ciencia
  • DPH
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Ayuntamiento de Benasque


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