Quantum Simulations
2011, Feb 28 -- Mar 05
E. Solano (U. País Vasco - Ikerbasque Foundation, Bilbao)
J. García-Ripoll (Instituto de Física - CSIC, Madrid)
C. Roos (IQOQI, Innsbruck)
The goal of the Workshop 'Quantum Simulations' is to gather the leading and interested scientists in theory and experiments on quantum simulations with an open interdisciplinary scope. Quantum simulations consist in the intentional and artificial reproduction of a quantum dynamics, difficult to access and study, onto an unnatural quantum system that is more controllable theoretically and experimentally. The objectives are diverse, ranging from purely aesthetic, to communicating independent fields, to the more mediatic ones, as is the case of calculating and predicting physics that cannot be done with existing computational power. Quantum simulations are not restricted to a specific field. It is intrinsically eclectic, ranging from fundamentals in physics and quantum information, to quantum optics (photonics, cavity QED, trapped ions, optical lattices, BEC), to condensed-matter (strongly-correlated systems, quantum dots, superconducting qubits, circuit QED), to quantum chemistry, to relativistic quantum mechanics, to general relativity, to quantum field theory inside or beyond the standard model, and even to quantum biology.
From a certain point of view, arts were created because we humans are not happy with reality. Even though this may appear to be a contradiction for a scientist, quantum simulation is our quantum theater. Here, we may create not only existing physics that is difficult to reproduce, but also physics that may not exist in nature, with the only condition that is possible and does not violate the physical laws*. We will organize dayly short sessions of talks and posters, and also round tables for discussions around present and upcoming generations of quantum simulations. The main goal is to enjoy together the physics of quantum simulations with a creative approach, to boost interdisciplinary collaborations, and interest the young scientists in a passionating and burgeoning field.
*This assertion is a conjecture that deserves a proof or a rebuttal.
The registration process has to be fulfilled by all invited speakers and applicants (see 'Application form' at the end of this page). The final list of invited speakers, long and short talks, as well as the event program, will be produced after the registration period. Nevertheless, a preliminary list of attendants follows.
Speakers and participants
(Preliminary list)
Abstract Submission
Please submit a title and short abstract here.
You have to be registered before submitting contributions.
Registration Fee
The registration fee for the conference is 500 euros to be paid to the account of the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual after your application has been accepted.
Ibercaja (account number): 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
IBAN: ES44 2085 2310 3803 3004 4193
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Further Information.