Benasque Symposium on Topological Quantum Information
2013, Feb 12 -- Feb 16
S. Iblisdir (U. Barcelona), J. Pachos (U. Leeds), B. Paredes (U. Autónoma de Madrid), D. Poilblanc (CNRS, U. Toulouse)
Morning session I - Cold atoms | |
Registration | |
Engineering Dirac points with ultracold fermions in a tunable honeycomb optical lattice | |
L. Tarruell | |
Atomic Quantum Simulation of U(N) and SU(N) Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theories | |
E. Rico | |
Morning session II - Topological Insulators | |
Condensate-induced transitions and critical spin chains | |
V. Lahtinen | |
Topological Phase Transitions in the Golden String-Net Model | |
M. Schulz | |
Afternoon session I - Q. Computing | |
Many-body models based on quantum double algebras | |
C. Brell | |
Robustness of quantum memories based on Majorana zero modes | |
M. Rizzi | |
Afternoon session II - FQHE/TI | |
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect of Lattice Bosons Near Commensurate Flux | |
L. Hormozi | |
Quantum Simulation Architecture for Lattice Bosons in Arbitrary, Tunable External Gauge Fields | |
E. Kapit |
Morning session III - Classification of phases | |
Topological phases and tensor networks: The role of symmetries | |
N. Schuch | |
Commuting Pauli Hamiltonians as maps between free modules | |
J. Haah | |
Morning session IV - Cold atoms | |
Cold bosonic systems under strong gauge fields as simulators. The Hall response function | |
N. Barberán | |
Bosonic Fractional Quantum Hall States in Rotating Optical Lattices: Projective Symmetry Group Analysis | |
T. Duric | |
Poster Session | |