Quantum Matter
2014, Jun 15 -- Jun 27
Belén Paredes (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Madrid)
Guifré Vidal (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
Download the pdf version of the program here.
Download the abstracts of the talks here.
Monday, June 16
Ergodicity, entanglement, and many-body localization | |
Dmitry Abanin | |
TBA | |
Norbert Schuch | |
Numerical approaches | |
Frank Verstraete & Andreas Läuchli | |
Coffee | |
Entanglement Spectroscopy of Quantum Matter | |
Andreas Läuchli | |
Gauge fields and topological phases with cold atoms: Baby, you can drive my cloud! | |
Nathan Goldman | |
Topological insulators and superconductors | |
Joel Moore |
Supersymmetric quantum wires | |
Kareljan Schoutens | |
TBA | |
F. Verstraete | |
Experimental challenges | |
Immanuel Bloch |
TBA | |
Michael Levin | |
TBA | |
Joel Moore | |
TBA | |
Eugene Demler | |
TBA | |
Immanuel Bloch |
Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator | |
Lukasz Cincio | |
TBA | |
Anushya Chandran | |
Symmetries and boundary theories for chiral Projected Entangled Pair State | |
Ignacio Cirac | |
Probing quantum many-body systems at the single-particle level | |
Manuel Endres | |
Classification of quantum phases | |
Xiao-Gang Wen |
TBA | |
Duncan Haldane | |
Coffee break | |
TBA | |
Matthew Fisher | |
TBA | |
Ehud Altman | |
Highly entangled quantum states of matter – a general theory of gapped quantum liquids | |
Xiao-Gang Wen | |
Topological order from parafermions | |
Paul Fendley |
Applications of PEPS to condensed matter: some simple examples | |
Didier Poilblanc | |
TBA | |
Erez Berg | |
TBA | |
Anushya Chandran | |
Many-body localization | |
Dmitry Abanin & Ehud Altman |
Quantum criticality of the topological Anderson insulator | |
Alexander Altland | |
TBA | |
Michail Lukin | |
Spin Bose metals | |
Matthew Fisher | |
Conclusions and Outlook | |