Quantum Simulations
2015, Feb 22 -- Feb 27
I. Bloch (Max Planck, Garching)
G. Johansson (Chalmers U - Main organizer)
F. Schmidt-Kaler (U. Mainz)
E. Solano (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque)
C. Wilson (IQC, Waterloo - Main organizer)
Arrival / Registration | |
Registration / Opening | |
Exploring Interacting Quantum Many-Body Systems by Experimentally Creating Continuous Matrix Product States | |
Wallraff | |
Analog-Digital quantum simulations in superconducting circuits | |
Mezzacapo | |
Digital quantum simulation of the ultrastrongly coupled Rabi model in a circuit QED system | |
Langford | |
Tensor Networks for Lattice Gauge Theories | |
Rico Ortega | |
TBA | |
Angelakis | |
Superabsorption of light via quantum engineering | |
Stace | |
Synthetic lattices | |
Celi | |
Giant Atom Coupled to Surface Acoustic Waves | |
Guo | |
Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system | |
Neil | |
Displacement of squeezed microwave states | |
Fedorov | |
Simulation of quantum-mechanical supersymmetry in a Cooper-pair box shunted by a Josephson rhombus | |
Ulrich | |
Digital quantum simulators in a scalable architecture of hybrid spin-photon qubits | |
Chiesa | |
Dynamical Casimir Effect Generates Entanglement | |
Sanz | |
End of session | |
Atomic Quantum Simulation of Abelian and non-Abelian Gauge Theories | |
Wiese | |
A Multi-connected Superconducting Jaynes-Cummings Lattice | |
Tian | |
Ultra-cold atoms: quantum simulators of transport phenomena | |
Di Ventra | |
Efficient simulation techniques for hybrid quantum dynamical processes | |
Bermejo-Vega | |
Ultracold ytterbium: orbital magnetism and synthetic dimensions | |
Fallani | |
Exploring quantum phases by driven dissipation | |
Büchler | |
Dynamics of Solitonic Excitations in a Strongly-Interacting Fermi Superfluid | |
Yefsah | |
Shining Quantum Light on Quantum Simulators | |
Mekhov | |
Dipolar physics with ultracold magnetic erbium atoms | |
Baier | |
Quantum Simulation of gravitational waves | |
Sabín | |
Sub Decoherence Time Generation and Detection of Orbital Entanglement | |
Brange | |
Poster Session | |
End of session | |
Beyond Ising: Dynamics and Integer Spins in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator | |
Hess | |
Harnessing nonlinear forces on ions | |
Schmiegelow | |
Engineering and observation of interacting quasiparticles in a trapped-ion many-body system | |
Jurecevic | |
Quantum simulation of strongly correlated spin-boson models | |
García Ripoll | |
Quantum Simulation of Quantum Field Theory with a Trapped Ion System | |
Zhang | |
Engineering lattice gauge theories in AMO systems, and some surprises | |
Dalmonte | |
Quantum simulation of fermions: and end to the occupation basis | |
Love | |
Quantum and classical simulations of coupled quantum fields | |
Zueco | |
Surprises in Simulation of Quantum Phase Transitions | |
Wang | |
Strong qubit-photon interactions in a superconducting 1D open space | |
Forn-Díaz | |
Towards experimental quantum field tomography with ultracold atoms | |
Friesdorf | |
End of session | |
Probing long range dipole coupling in Cold Rydberg atoms by microwave spectroscopy | |
Gleyzes | |
Out-of-equilibrium structures in strongly interacting atomic gases | |
Lesanovsky | |
Superfluid quantum glasses with cold Rydberg atoms | |
Pupillo | |
Simulation of Dipolar Quantum Magnetism with Arrays of Superconducting Qubits | |
Kirchmaier | |
Variational Quantum Eigensolver: How to use any quantum device in your lab to perform quantum simulation | |
McClean | |
Quantum Random Walks in Photonic Lattices | |
Gräfe | |
Quantum Simulation of Micro and Macro Frustrated Quantum Magnetism | |
Sanders | |
Round table | |
Conclusions and closing | |
End of the conference | |
Departure | |