Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
2021, Feb 14 -- Feb 26
F. Mila (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
R. Orús (DIPC)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
N. Schuch (University of Vienna)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Chair: Didier Poilblanc | |
Welcome | |
Quotient symmetry protected topological phenomena | |
Frank Pollmann | |
Supersymmetric point in a ladder of constrained fermions | |
Natalia Chepiga | |
Spectral gaps in PEPS: the possible and the impossible | |
David Perez-Garcia |
Chair: Roman Orus | |
Machine learning with tensor networks | |
Miles Stoudenmire | |
Stability of the bulk gap: How to prove it when gapless edge modes cannot be avoided | |
Bruno Nachtergaele | |
Many-body physics in the NISQ era: quantum programming a discrete time crystal | |
Roderich Moessner |
Chair: Frédéric Mila | |
Fractional quantum Hall effect and twisted bilayer graphene | |
Mike Zaletel | |
Effective entropy of quantum fields coupled with gravity | |
Xiao-Liang Qi | |
Finite temperature iPEPS simulations of SrCu2(BO3)2 under pressure | |
Philippe Corboz | |
Quantum Magnetism on Small-World Networks | |
Nicolas Laflorencie |
Chair: Frédéric Mila | |
Machine learning with tensor networks | |
Miles Stoudenmire | |
Fractional chiral hinge insulators | |
Nicolas Regnault | |
Realizing a chiral gauge theory in an optically-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate | |
Leticia Tarruell |
Chair: Norbert Schuch | |
Fractional quantum Hall effect and twisted bilayer graphene | |
Mike Zaletel | |
Rydberg atoms | |
Misha Lukin | |
Dynamics of quantum systems with long-range interactions | |
Alexey Gorshkov | |
Topological chemistry | |
Andrei Bernevig |
Chair: Frédéric Mila | |
Welcome | |
Tensor networks for classical statistical mechanics | |
Tomotoshi Nishino | |
Classical dimers on quasiperiodic tilings | |
Sid Parameswaran | |
TBA | |
Masaki Oshikawa |
Chair: Didier Poilblanc | |
Tensor networks and lattice gauge theories | |
Mari-Carmen Banuls | |
Detecting Topological Phase Transitions through Symmetric Tensor Networks | |
Ying-Jer Kao | |
Fractional Chern insulators of few bosons in a box: Hall plateaus from center-of-mass drifts and density profiles | |
Cecile Repellin | |
Poster presentations | |
2 slides / 2 minutes | |
Poster Session | |
Breakout Rooms |
Chair: Roman Orus | |
Tensor networks for classical statistical mechanics | |
Tomotoshi Nishino | |
Constructing Linearized Superoperator from HOTRG | |
Naoki Kawashima | |
Probing mixed-state, symmetry-resolved, entanglement, with randomized measurements | |
Benoit Vermersch |
Chair: Frédéric Mila | |
Tensor networks and lattice gauge theories | |
Mari-Carmen Banuls | |
TBA | |
Keisuke Totsuka | |
A scaling hypothesis for PEPS | |
Laurens Vanderstraeten |
Chair: Roman Orus | |
Spectral gaps in PEPS: the possible and the impossible | |
David Perez-Garcia | |
Universality and scaling in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics | |
Luca Tagliacozzo | |
Algebraic structures in tensor networks | |
Frank Verstraete |