2023, Jul 04 -- Jul 07
PhD and Young Scientists in Quantum Technologies Network (PYSQT)
Download pdf version of the program here.
Registration | |
Opening | |
Invited talk: Variational Quantum Algorithms | |
Alba Cervera-Lierta | |
A multiobjective approach to improve variational quantum algorithms in constrained problems | |
Pablo Diez-Valle | |
Non-unitary state preparation for a gauge theory in the presence of noise | |
Jesús Cobos Jiménez | |
Variational Quantum SImulators: Waveguide-QED and beyond | |
Cristian Tabares | |
Quantum machine learning with qudits | |
Sebastián Roca-Jerat | |
Invited Talk: Superconducting resonators for space and quantum application | |
Alicia Gómez | |
Poster Session | |
Invited talk: Tensor Network States for the study of quantum many-body systems | |
Mari Carmen Bañuls | |
On finding substructures of finite algebras with quantum algorithms | |
J.M. Hernández Cáceres | |
Bell's Theorem and the demonstration of quantum nonlocality in noisy environments | |
Óscar Mañas Chambert | |
TENSORKROWCH: seamless integration of tensor networks in machine learning | |
José Ramón Pareja Monturiol | |
Understanding critical metrology | |
Karol Gietka | |
Quantum Computing Tutorial | |
Poster Session | |
Invited talk: Diamond-based quantum technologies for nanoscale sensing | |
Jorge Casanova | |
Photon counting statistics in nitrogen vacancy centres | |
Iván Panadero | |
Enhancing polarization transfer from nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond to external nuclear spins via dangling bond mediators | |
Hilario Espinós | |
Numerical simulation of Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier | |
E. Rizvanov | |
Effect of the external fields on high Chern number quantun anomalous Hall insulators | |
Yuriko Baba | |
Quantum simulation with trapped ions: driven-dissipative topological parametric amplifiers via Floquet engineering | |
Miguel Clavero Rubio | |
Concluding Remarks | |