Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

  • Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers
    Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers

    2025, January 13 - January 17

    R. Arenal (LMA-U. Zaragoza and INMA, CSIC-U. Zaragoza, chairman), C. P. Ewels (Nantes U.), D. Golberg (Queensland University of Technology), V. Meunier (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), A. Rubio (U. País Vasco - Fritz Haber Institut - Max Plank Gesellschaft)

  • Confinement and symmetry from vacuum to QCD phase diagram
    Confinement and symmetry from vacuum to QCD phase diagram

    2025, February 9 - February 15

    T. D. Cohen (Maryland U.), L. Glozman (Graz U.)

  • CAPS & CQA Winter School on Ultracold Quantum Many-body Systems
    CAPS & CQA Winter School on Ultracold Quantum Many-body Systems

    2025, February 16 - February 22

    A. Celi (UAB), P. Massignan (UPC), A. Rubio (ICFO), L. Tarruell (ICFO - ICREA)

  • Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems
    Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Systems

    2025, February 23 - March 8

    F. Mila (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse), E. Rico Ortega (Ikerbasque - UPV/EHU and DIPC), N. Schuch (University of Vienna)

  • 1st UNDARK Scientific School on Astrophysical and Cosmological probes of BSM
    1st UNDARK Scientific School on Astrophysical and Cosmological probes of BSM

    2025, March 9 - March 15

    D. Blas (ICREA/IFAE), K. Blum (WIS), F. Calore (LAPTH, CNRS), J. Camalich (IAC), V. Domcke (CERN)

  • Quantum Nanophotonics
    Quantum Nanophotonics

    2025, March 23 - March 29

    L. Novotny (ETH Zurich), F.J. Garcia-Vidal (U. Autonoma de Madrid), S. Bozhevolnyi (U. of Southern Denmark), L. Martín Moreno (INMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza)

  • Second LatticeNET workshop on challenges in Lattice field theory
    Second LatticeNET workshop on challenges in Lattice field theory

    2025, March 30 - April 5

    I. Campos (IFCA-CSIC), E. Follana (U. ZARAGOZA-CAPA), M. E. Gámiz (U. GRANADA-CAFPE), M. García (IFT UAM-CSIC), G. Herdoíza (IFT UAM-CSIC), P. Hernández (IFIC), A. Parreño (U. BARCELONA-ICCUB), C. Pena (IFT UAM-CSIC), A. Ramos (IFIC), F. de Soto (U. Pablo de Olavide), A. Vaquero (U. ZARAGOZA-CAPA)

  • 10th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications
    10th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications

    2025, April 7 - April 17

    H. Appel (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg), N. Tancogne-Dejean (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg), A. Castro (ARAID Foundation, Zaragoza), E. K. U. Gross (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), N. Maitra (Rutgers University at Newark), A. Rubio (MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg)

  • III Workshop en Materiales con Funcionalidades Avanzadas para la Nueva Transformación Tecnológica. 2024 Benasque
    III Workshop en Materiales con Funcionalidades Avanzadas para la Nueva Transformación Tecnológica. 2024 Benasque

    2025, April 21 - April 22

    L. Martin-Moreno (INMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza), M. P. Pina (INMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza) , C. Rillo (INMA, CSIC - U. Zaragoza)

  • The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Cosmology
    The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Cosmology

    2025, April 28 - May 20

    E. Calabrese (Cardi), M. Fasiello (IFT Madrid), D. G. Figueroa (IFIC Valencia), E. Komatsu (MPI Munich), C. Mingarelli (UConnecticut - Flatiron CCA), S. Matarrese (Padova), A. Silvestri (Leiden), L. Verde (ICREA - ICC-UB)

  • Waves in Time Varying Media Workshop
    Waves in Time Varying Media Workshop

    2025, May 20 - May 22

    P. Arroyo Huidobro (IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain), E. Galiffi (City University of New York, USA), R. Sapienza (Imperial College London, UK), A. Manjavacas (CSIC, Spain), Iñigo Liberal (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain)

  • Spring School on Superconducting Qubit Technology
    Spring School on Superconducting Qubit Technology

    2025, May 21 - May 30

    David López-Núñez (Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech / IFAE, Barcelona, Spain), Fabian Zwiehoff (ParTec AG, Munich, Germany), Pol Forn-Díaz (Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech / IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)

  • More Dispersions: Drops, Particles and Bugs, Science, Startups and Success
    More Dispersions: Drops, Particles and Bugs, Science, Startups and Success

    2025, June 3 - June 7

    D. Weitz (Harvard), A. Fernandez-Nieves (U Barcelona), J. Baudry (ESPCI)

  • Media, Gender and Sexualities (Representations, Literacy and Audiences)
    Media, Gender and Sexualities (Representations, Literacy and Audiences)

    2025, June 8 - June 12

    M. J. Masanet (University of Barcelona), M. T. Soto-Sanfiel (National University of Singapore - UAB)

  • CEN 2025
    CEN 2025

    2025, June 10 - June 13

    L. Bausa (UAM) - M. Ramírez (UAB))

  • Quantum Information
    Quantum Information

    2025, June 15 - July 4

    I. Cirac (MPI, Garching), A. Ekert (OIST, Japan - CQT / NUS, Singapore)

  • Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
    Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions

    2025, July 6 - July 18

    R. Emparan (ICREA - U. Barcelona), V. Hubeny (QMAP - UC Davis), M. Rangamani (QMAP - UC Davis)

  • Understanding cosmological observations
    Understanding cosmological observations

    2025, July 20 - August 2

    M. Crocce (ICE), R. Flauger (UCSD), E. Krause (U. Arizona), A. Lewis (Sussex U.), S. Nadathur (Portsmouth U.), S. Nissanke (U. Amsterdam)

  • High energy QCD: from the LHC to the EIC
    High energy QCD: from the LHC to the EIC

    2025, August 4 - August 15

    T. Altinoluk (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland), N. Armesto (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), J. Jalilian-Marian (City University of New York, USA), A. Kovner (University of Connecticut, USA), M. Lublinsky (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), C. Marquet (CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, France)

  • 10 Years of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects
    10 Years of Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects

    2025, August 17 - August 23

    A. Ferre-Mateu (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain), J. Gannon(Swinburne University, Australia)

  • Synthetic Topological Matter
    Synthetic Topological Matter

    2025, August 31 - September 6

    B. Julía-Díaz (U. Barcelona), T. Grass (Donostia International Physics Center), C. Weitenberg (U. Hamburg), L. Tarruell (ICFO), S. Jochim (U. Heidelberg)

  • Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum
    Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum

    2025, September 7 - September 13

    M. Asorey (U. Zaragoza), E. Elizalde (ICE/CSIC, Barcelona), S. Odintsov (ICE/CSIC, Barcelona)

  • Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory
    Methods of Effective Field Theory and Lattice Field Theory

    2025, September 14 - September 27

    N. Brambilla (Technical University Munich)



  • Sponsors

      • Ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades
      • Gobierno de Aragnnn
      • logo CSIC
      • DPH
      • Ayuntamiento de Benasque
      • Universidad de Zaragoza
    • Localización

      • CCBPP Location


    •       Merchandaising

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