Numerical and analytical methods for strongly correlated systems
2014, Aug 24 -- Sep 13
R. Orús (U. Mainz)
D. Poilblanc (CNRS / U. Toulouse)
J. Vidal (CNRS / U. Paris)
Title. |
Abstract |
MPS: (1+1)-D QED |
Adiabatic Tracking of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics |
Lieb-Robinson bounds for spin-boson lattice models and trapped ions |
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics and thermalization of string order: from spin-1 chains to optical lattices |
Interplay of topological order and symmetry breaking |
Matrix Product State of the XY model during the blackout |
Quantum Hall Systems on Toroidal Geometries |
Variational Monte Carlo simulations using tensor-product projected states |
Deconfined Criticality in three dimensional loop models |
Markov chains for tensor network states |
Transfer Matrices and Excitations with Matrix Product States |
Strongly Interacting Particles in One Dimensional Traps |
Quantum field tomography and continuous matrix-product states |
Two leg bosonic ladder in an external magnetic field at unit filling |
Robustness of SO(5)-Haldane and intermediate-Haldane phases in spin-2 quantum chains |
Numerical studies of entanglement properties of quantum Ising and XXZ spin-1/2 models in one and two dimensions |
Adaptive mode transformations in fermionic tensor networks |
A positive tensor network approach to simulating open quantum systems |
Temperature dependence of the chiral condensate in the Schwinger model with Matrix Product States |
Quantum Monte-Carlo phase diagram for a model cuprate |
Non-perturbative linked-cluster expansions for quantum statistical models |
Striped critical spin liquid in a spin-orbital entangled RVB state in a PEPS representation. |
Boundary theories of two-dimensional tensor network states near the AKLT point |
Ultra-cold alkaline-earth atoms in one dimension |
Replica exchange molecular dynamics optimization of tensor network states for quantum many-body systems |
Replica exchange molecular dynamics optimization of tensor network states for quantum many-body systems |